

Jeff’s mother, after years of struggling to find work and provide for Jeff and his older sister Malika, left them both of them with her sister and never returned. Taking care of them eventually became too much for their aunt as well, and she made plans to sell them as restavèks (unpaid indentured servants). A neighbor found out and we were able to intervene and bring them to live at The Vertile House.

Jeff and his sister were so badly malnourished that they required regular blood transfusions, a special diet and extra medical care for several years. His health has come a long way and he is still working hard to catch up in school.

Though he struggles with being abandoned by his mother and his aunt, this sweet boy works closely with our counselor to help heal that wound. Naturally curious and eager to learn, he’s also working hard to build confidence and improve attention in school.

One of his favorite activities is soccer, and he really comes alive when he plays. One day, he hopes to be a star soccer player like his hero Lionel Messi. We’re so happy to have Jeff with us, and our other boys love having another soccer fan among them!

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